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최근에 올라온 글

'공부/영어'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2008.03.07 파워잉글리쉬_20080306
  2. 2007.09.18 Insert Coin
  3. 2007.03.19 괜찮아~ 영어표현. 1
  4. 2007.03.18 단어는 다 알고 있는데 해석이 안된다? 그건 왜? 2

You're not listening to power English
Thursday, did you know
Hello hello hello once again and welcome back to power English March 6th Thursday and you're here with Sid and Steve and we're already well into March well into 2008 I can't believe
how fast time goes and today is did you know day today we are gonna be talking about computers
very difficult subject for me to discuss cause I don't know too much about them so let me ask you to start up the show today 
Am are you an online gamer? Do you like to play games online?
Am I'd like to but I don't have time much these days I used to play quite a lot actually
What were your games of choice?
My games of choice let me see well this is long time ago what I used to play warcraft 2 a lot
and then when startcraft came out ah might play that little bit that's when I started getting
really busy so I stopped playing
am maybe a mistake cause I could be a startcraft pro. Some of my friends are actually pros and
they make a pretty good living though you know
If you're good, you make a lot money
Yeah and thesedays a play am these what I call massively, massively multi type player online games or something like that. More they have is giant world online and people login and become a character and they play in that world so you know it's a little bit different than before the online games before like starcraft warcraft you would play aginst another player for one match and I'll be it or several players one match but in these are it is new onlines you know like thousands millions of people logon at the same time and inact each other pretty cool.
I used to play Diablo. Do you remember that game? And I remember it was my first year in Korea
and I didn't have computer in my house so I always go to the PC room and used the exact same computer because that where my file was saved for the game and I remember I got up to like level 18 19 which is not that high in the game however still talk a lot of time to get that far and the employee of the PC room had raised my file I don't know so I gave that up and then I started to play chess on line just for fun and a when you play chess online for fun they have different rooms and different levels right?
So I would go in the beginner room because I was a beginner of chess but the advanced player would go in the beginner room so they beat me in like for moves and make fun of me so I quit that as well
You hope that they were coming into the room right ?
This is true maybe they were really good beginners. I was just that bad
Well you know that's way these online games these days all of everything stored online on the server. So you don't have to have you can play on any computer anywhere in the world and log in to you character and plays as much as you want so I mean I played for little bit cause friend of mine played and showed it to me it's pretty intents I mean I can imagine how people get lost and sit down and play all day and all night very addicting very dangerous too anyway today we're gonna talk about computers again and we're gonna talk about the how to correctly reformat your hard drive so let's go ahead and listen to the dialog 

Posted by 홍신[弘信]
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Insert Coin

공부/영어 / 2007. 9. 18. 21:40
사용자 삽입 이미지

When you see that t-shirt, how do you feel?

I usually wear t-shirt which has English letters and I don't care what it means.
But when I saw that guy, I felt like I was in game room.

I saw a girl who wore t-shirt with Korean letters when I was in Calgary. I can't remember what was it.
But I thought It is a good idea and it looks more better than other t-shirt. In addition I even wanted to buy it.

오랜만이라 영어가 안써진다. 노력해야지 ㅠ.ㅠ ..

Posted by 홍신[弘信]
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No problem 문제없어~

That's O.K 괜찮아~

That's all right 괜찮아~

Don't worry걱정마~

It doesn't matter 상관없어~

That's fine with me상관없어~

That's good(fine,nice)상관없어~ 좋아~

// I don't care 신경쓰지 않는다.

Posted by 홍신[弘信]
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접속사나 분사구문, 부사 등의 해석이 자연스럽지
중요한건 그냥  외워두자!


여러 의미를 갖는 접속사

as : ~할 때, ~때문에, ~처럼(~한 대로), ~할수록 (전치사 : ~로서)

if : 만약 ~라면, ~인지 아닌지, 비록 ~할지라도

since : ~이래로, ~때문에

while : ~하는 동안, ~하는 반면에


상관 접속사


both A and B A B 둘 다

either A or B A B 둘중 하나

neither A nor B A B 둘다 ~ 아니다

not A but B A가 아니라 B

not only A but (also) B A 뿐만아니라 B (= B as well as A)

no sooner ~ than ~ 하자마자 … 하다

hardly when

scarcely before


 기타 주요 접속사


unless = if ~ not : 만약 ~ 하지 않는다면

until = till ~ : ~까지

as soon as ~ : ~하자마자

so ~ that : 너무 ~ 해서 … 하다

so that S may ~ : ~ 하기 위해서

though = although = even if [though] ~ : 비록 ~일지라도

as if = as though ~ : 마치 ~처럼

not ~ until : … 까지는 ~ 않다, … 하고나서야 ~ 하다

as long[far] as = so long[far] as ~ : ~ 하는한

lest S should ~ : ~ 하지 않기 위해서

now that = ,for : 왜냐하면


 원형 부정사의 관용적 표현


had better + 원형 : ~ 하는게 더 낫다

can't but + 원형 : ~ 하지 않을 수 없다 (=can't help ~ing)

do nothing but + 원형 : 단지 ~ 하기만 하다


중요 부정사 구문


too ~ to ~ : 너무 ~ 해서 ~할 수 없다 (= so ~ that S can't ~)

enough to ~ : ~ 할 만큼 충분히 ⓐ 하다 (= so that S can~)


독립 부정사 (숙어처럼 암기)


so to speak : 말하자면, 소위

strange to say : 이상한 이야기지만

to begin with : 우선, 먼저

to be frank with you : 솔직히 말하면

to be sure : 확실히

to make matters worse : 설상가상으로

to do one justice : one을 공평히 평가하면

to say nothing of : ~ 은 말할 것도 없이

(=not to speak of, not to mention, let alone)


 의미상 차이


stop + ~ing : ~ 하는 것을 멈추다

to ~ : ~ 하기 위해 멈추다 (부사의 목적)

try + ~ing : 시험삼아 ~ 해보다

to ~ : ~ 하려고 애쓰다

remember + ~ing : <과거> ~ 한 것을 기억하다(잊다)

(forget) to ~ : <미래> ~ 할 것을 기억하다(잊다)


동명사의 관용적 표현 (숙어처럼 암기)


go ~ing : ~ 하러 가다

be busy ~ing : ~ 하느라 바쁘다

on ~ing : ~ 하자 마자

feel like ~ing : ~ 하고 싶다

be worth ~ing : ~할 가치가 있다

can't help ~ing : ~ 하지 않을 수 없다

come near ~ing : 거의 ~ 할 뻔하다

It is no use ~ing : ~ 해봐야 소용없다

There is no ~ing : ~ 하는 것은 불가능하다

of one's own ~ing : 직접(손수) ~

It goes without saying that ~: ~은 두말할 필요가 없다(너무 당연)

make a point of ~ing : ~ 을 규칙으로 삼다

be on the point of ~ing : ~ 하려던 참이다

cannot[never] without ~ing : …할 때마다 ~하다

look forward to ~ing : ~ 을 학수고대하다

be used to ~ing : ~ 하는데 익숙하다

object to ~ing : ~ 하는 것을 반대하다

be opposed to ~ing : ~ 하는 것을 반대하다

with a view to ~ing : ~ 할 목적으로

What do you say to ~ing? : ~하는게 어때?


비인칭 독립 분사구문


generally speaking = if we speak generally 일반적으로 말하면

frankly speaking 솔직히 말하면(말해서)

strictly speaking 엄격히 말하면(말해서)

judging from ~ ~로 판단하면(판단컨대)

considering ~ ~을 고려하면


부대 상황의 with


with + 목적어 + 분사 (해석: 목적어를 분사한채로)

with his arms folded (팔장을 낀채로)

with little wind blowing (바람이 거의 불지않는)

Don't speak with your mouth full.


추측의 조동사


추측의 조동사 + 원형 (현재에 대한 추측)

(may,must,cannot) have + p.p. (과거에 대한 추측)

may 원형 : ~일지 모른다 = It is possible that S + V현재 ~

may have + p.p. : ~이었을지 모른다 = It is possible that S + V과거~

must 원형 : ~임에 틀림없다 = It is certain that S + V현재 ~

must have + p.p. : ~이었음에 틀림없다 = It is certain that S + V과거~

cannot 원형 : ~일리가 없다 = It is impossible that S + V현재 ~

cannot have + p.p. :~이었을리가 없다 = It is impossible that S + V과거~


조동사의 관용 표현


would ~ : ~ 하곤 했다 (불규칙)

used to ~ : ~ 하곤 했다 (규칙)

would like to ~ :  하고 싶다

would rather A than B : B 하느니 차라리 A 하는게 더 낫다

had better ~ : ~ 하는게 더 낫다

may[might] as well ~ : ~ 하는게 더 낫다

may well ~ : ~ 하는게 당연하다

ought to ~ = should ~ : ~ 해야한다

lest S should ~ : ~ 하지 않기 위해서

cannot ~ too ~ : 아무리 ~ 해도 지나치지 않다

should have p.p. : ~ 했었어야 했는데...(못했다)

should not have p.p. : ~ 하지 말았어야 했는데...(했다)

need not have p.p. : ~ 할 필요가 없었는데...(괜히 했다)


※ 요구(demand), 주장(insist), + that + S + (should) + 원형

제안(suggest), 명령(order), (~해야한다)

동의, 결정, 충고, 소망의 V


해석에 주의할 수동태

be told (
듣다), be given (받다), be asked (질문 받다)


If 대용 어구


Suppose(Supposing), Provided(Providing), In case, On condition

Otherwise (만약 그렇지 않으면), Unless (= If ~ not)


If 의 생략 ( V + S 로 도치)


Were I in your place, I would not do so. (= If I were)

Had he been more careful, he would not have lost his purse.


기타 가정법 구문


I wish + 가정법 과거(과거완료) ~ 라면 좋을텐데

as if (as though) + 가정법 과거(과거완료) ~ 마치 ~ 처럼

Without (= But for) ~ 만약 ~ 이 없()다면

= If it were not for ~

= If it had not been for ~


주의할 부사


hardly : 거의 ~ 않다 (= rarely, barely, scarcely, seldom)

lately : 최근에

nearly : 거의

highly = deeply : 매우

derectly : 즉시

necessarily : 반드시

frequently : 자주

exactly : 정확하게

similarly : 유사하게

consequently = eventually = ultimately : 결과적으로

accordingly : 따라서


라틴어에서 온 비교급


senior to : ~보다 손위의 
junior to : ~
보다 손아래의

major to : ~보다 주요한, 더 큰 
minor to : ~
보다 사소한, 더 작은

superior to : ~보다 더 우수한
inferior to : ~
보다 더 열등한

ex) He is older than I = He is senior to me

(전치사 + O)

prefer A to B : B 보다 A를 더 좋아하다


비교 구문 정리 ( 꼭 암기)

no more = not ~ any more :
더이상 ~ 않다

no longer = not ~ any longer : 더이상 ~ 않다

not a few = quite a few = no few = many : 많은

not a little[bit] = quite a little = no little = much : 많은

at most = not more than : 많아야, 기껏해야

at least = not less than : 적어도

as many : 동수의

as much : 동량의

not so much A as B = not A so much as B : A 라기 보다는 차라리 B

not so much as ~ : ~ 조차 못하다

no[little] better than ~ : ~보다 나을게 없는, ~나 마찬가지

no more than : 단지 (= only = merely)

no more ~ than ~ : ~ 가 아닌 것은 ~ 가 아닌 것과 같다

no sooner ~ than ~ : ~ 하자마자 ~ 하다

know better than to ~ : ~할 만큼 어리석지 않다


 관계대명사 what 의 관용 표현

what S be S
의 인격, 상태

what S have S의 재산

what we(you,they) call = what is called 소위, 이른바

what is better[worse,more] 금상첨화로[설상가상으로, 더욱이]

what with A and (what with) B 한편 A 때문에 또 한편 B 때문에

what by A and (what by) B 한편 A 에 의해 또 한편 B 에 의해서

A is to B what C is to D A B의 관계는 C D의 관계와 같다

출처 :

Posted by 홍신[弘信]
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최근에 달린 댓글

최근에 받은 트랙백

글 보관함